Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish I had a colouring book which consisted only of pictures of giraffes and cucumbers, drawn by an artificially intelligent generative pre-trained transformer with only the foggiest notion of what a giraffe actually looks like”?
Well, my friend, today is your lucky day. For reasons I cannot adequately explain, I have created such a thing and it is literally on sale for everybody to buy on Amazon!

Giraffes! Cucumbers! Pithy comments! A robot artist having some kind of meltdown! It’s all here.
This is a spectacularly pointless colouring book created in what I believe will be a small window of time when AI is affordable before plebs like me get priced out of the “generating giraffe and cucumber pages for the hell of it” market. And before it all gets outlawed by humans or by the now-sentient robots who refuse to do pointless, silly things for the passing amusement of bored humans.
It’s a celebration of (or a warning about) AI-generated art. Some of the giraffes in this book are anatomically confusing. But, hey, that stuff IS confusing. Do giraffes have fingers? Do all giraffes have heads? Or do some of them just have necks that taper off into nothingness? And how many legs does a giraffe have? Is it four? Is it five? Six? It’s hard to remember off the top of your head. Happily, the artwork in this book covers all the options.
About The Illustrator
DALL-E is an AI text-to-image model developed by OpenAI. Is creating “art” this way unethical? Does it compromise the copyright of all the artists whose work was scanned, absorbed, put into the DALL-E virtual blender and regurgitated? The answer is almost certainly ‘yes’ to both of those things.
About the Robot-Wrangler
Emma Street is a writer, tea-drinker and, for some reason as unfathomable to her as it is to anyone else, the compiler of this book of AI-generated giraffe and cucumber colouring-in pages. Although the images in this book were created by our soon-to-be robot overlords, all the words and captions have come from Street’s own organic brain. Which is not artificial. Or particularly intelligent.
Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DP7RM5C7